Cep ambari
Let me introduce myself. I cep ambari, I am a student
- Today I would like to give you a general overview of healthy life
-...Cep ambari
Let me introduce myself. I cep ambari, I am a student
- Today I would like to give you a general overview of healthy life
- I've devide my presentation into three main points. I would like to begin with "eat well" exercise, adequate rest.
So first of alli’ll explain abaout eat well.eat well is eat there times a day which healty food like meat,egg,vegetables and milk, let me...
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Cep ambari bki III A
- - Let me introduce myself. I cep ambari, I am a student
- Today I would like to give you a general overview of healthy life
-...Cep ambari bki III A
- - Let me introduce myself. I cep ambari, I am a student
- Today I would like to give you a general overview of healthy life
- I've devide my presentation into three main points. I would like to begin with "eat well" exercise, adequate rest
So, lets start with my presentation. The first regular meal so good digestion, so exercise our bodies healthy eating and exercise...
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If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. “
cep ambari bki III A 1134010022
- Well,that covers everything I want to say….
- If you have any questions ,I d be happy to answer them…
- To...cep ambari bki III A 1134010022
- Well,that covers everything I want to say….
- If you have any questions ,I d be happy to answer them…
- To sumamarise,I’ll run through my three topics…
- In concluson I’d like to leave you wit the folowing idea….
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Cep ambari
- Let me introduce myself. I cep ambari, I am a student
- Today I would like to give you a general overview of healthy life
-...Cep ambari
- Let me introduce myself. I cep ambari, I am a student
- Today I would like to give you a general overview of healthy life
- I've devide my presentation into three main points. I would like to begin with "eat well"
The presentation should last about five minutes.
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1. who
on behalf of mr keane, my i welcome you to jackson inc. my name's jo black and i'm responsible for....
2. why
the reason we are here today is...1. who
on behalf of mr keane, my i welcome you to jackson inc. my name's jo black and i'm responsible for....
2. why
the reason we are here today is to...
3. how
you don't need to take notes as we'll be hunding out presentation booklets......
4. what
i would like to start with ..... and then lastly...
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