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Firstly, I would like to tell restaurant Asep Strawberries. This restaurant is haused in Nagreg. The place is very...
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Teringat masa kecil ku dulu yg penuh dgn suka cita.
Ingin rasa'a ku kembali ke masa itu.
Masa di mana aku yg selalu bersikap manja pada kalian, dan...
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Wina Fitrila (1134010144) BKI 3 C
So, that completes our presentation. To sum up the first is training mental, the second is training public...
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Wina Fitrila BKI 3C
2) Let me introduce my self. I'am Wina Fitrila, I'm a student. Today I would like to give you a general oferview of training...
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akhirnya tugas selesai

1. Morning everyone. I'm Wina. I'm a student at the state islamic university
2. Today, I'm going to tell you about trainer motivator
3. So. I'll be...
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Hari ini tuh ya rasa'a seneng, cape, pusing, bete, sedih, kocak, riweuh,pokonya nano-nano lahhh.
Ketemu kalian mah penuh warna. Hahaha