wujud dari cinta sejati adalah terjadinya sebuah pernikahan...
TASK 4-Closing
Rendi Muhammad Fauzi-1134010104
and thus the exposure of the three cities in Indonesia which is the lot of visited by foreign...TASK 4-Closing
Rendi Muhammad Fauzi-1134010104
and thus the exposure of the three cities in Indonesia which is the lot of visited by foreign tourists, we must be proud of ourselves because we are born in the country of Indonesia because Indonesian natural earth holds many riches and wealth of tourist town that is not inferior to other countries, especially in Indonesia the famous Borobudur...
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menunggu dengan keputus asaan dan dalam haiti setiap manusia pasti ada kegelapan di hatinya..
nu puguh mah hoyong gera gaduh hp meh teu namut nu...menunggu dengan keputus asaan dan dalam haiti setiap manusia pasti ada kegelapan di hatinya..
nu puguh mah hoyong gera gaduh hp meh teu namut nu rayi deui isin disebut resp hello kity pedah hp na gambarna hello kitty da nu rayi etamah wajar ue... hahaha
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Rendi Muhammad Fauzi/1134010104/BKI III C
well, that covers everything i want to say
i'd like to summarise about how The first drible The secondly...Rendi Muhammad Fauzi/1134010104/BKI III C
well, that covers everything i want to say
i'd like to summarise about how The first drible The secondly kick ball
which ultimately is scored Goll
if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them
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untuk temanku yg besok mau nikah mamay siti maryam maaf rendi gak bisa dateng da musti dibandung.
semoga menjadi keluarga yg sakinah mawaddah...untuk temanku yg besok mau nikah mamay siti maryam maaf rendi gak bisa dateng da musti dibandung.
semoga menjadi keluarga yg sakinah mawaddah warohmah...
hanya bisa ngucapin ama do'a nya aja hapunten pisan
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teu puguh eunk aslina lah... balik ka cikalongteh sakur ngalamun di imah hayang ulin eweuh batur...
Morning everyone. I'm rendi m fauzi i'm student at the state islamic university Bandung
What I'm doing to do today is review a discuss .I'm going to...Morning everyone. I'm rendi m fauzi i'm student at the state islamic university Bandung
What I'm doing to do today is review a discuss .I'm going to develop three main point, first: the community litter, second: the public due to littering, third: overcoming the problem of waste.
We can take two or three questions at the end of each point.
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Morning everyone,thanks for coming My name is rendi and i'm in charge of state islamic university
Today i'm going to tell you about How Dangerous...Morning everyone,thanks for coming My name is rendi and i'm in charge of state islamic university
Today i'm going to tell you about How Dangerous Narcotics
I would like to start with the definition of narcotics and then the various of narcotics lastly how to prohibit narcotics
I'm happy to take any question after that
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dan disini mulai aku akhri semua nya diantara pilihan yang ada telah aku tetapkan pada satu hati dan satu cinta pada dirimu mungkin ku tak sempurna...dan disini mulai aku akhri semua nya diantara pilihan yang ada telah aku tetapkan pada satu hati dan satu cinta pada dirimu mungkin ku tak sempurna tapi ku coba berusah menghilangkan sisi gelap yang ada pada diriku.
udah gak jaman pacar lebih dari satu ku sudah dewasa bukan jamannya lagi pacaran akan tetapi pacaran adalah sebuah proses untuk pernikahan. saat mencari calon istrisekarangmah...
hahaha mun jodoh eta oge.
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