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Derek Albietz Discussion started by Derek Albietz 9 years ago
Just a reminder for new club joiners.

Those who would like to have their written work proofread can send me an email at [email protected] with their document attached. In the email please tell me when the latest you need it done by, as well as the format (.pdf, .doc, etc.) you would like the proofread document to be returned in. A quick disclaimer, none of your work that I receive will be redistributed or directly quoted, but if I see there are grammar mistakes or errors that seem to be common in yours and others' work, they may influence grammar discussions in the club.

Note: Returned .pdf versions should be viewed on external pdf viewers such as acrobat reader, online readers such Google Docs tend to have trouble displaying editing marks and comments.

M Nurul Ikhsan Saleh
M Nurul Ikhsan Saleh Hi Mr. Derek, nice to know you. I have just sent my first practice writing to your email. Thanks 9 years ago
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